Saturday, July 30, 2005


Hello, hello-

I've always wondered what drives people write blogs...
Is it a sense of disillusionment with the world?
A need to voice opinions that would otherwise be eating us up inside?
Or a strange, yet intriguing, personality?
It has now become clear to me that bloggers are people who are very good at procrastinating, have too much time on their hands, and a strong sense of adventure!
(okay, maybe not the last one)

Having said that,
Welcome to my blog!!

Oh, and just incase you were wondering - the title is a quote from a v. funny web-series called Red vs. Blue (, so check it out if you get the chance!
I swear it’s actually funny in context!


1 comment:

Toastghost said...

i agree, not pink, though nicely light red. having said that, th fact that im commenting on this confirms everything you just said bout bloggers