Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Another little rant...

Did any of you see the clouds last night??
To quote my mum they looked like "crushed satin"
Or to be more poetic, "a black crushed satin gown illuminated from beneath by a pale white orb [ie. the moon] whose rays stretched out in a perfect circle"
There. That's my creativity for the day.

But one more thing before I head off - am I the ONLY PERSON WHO CAN'T GET THE LID OFF THE DEMAZIN BOTTLE???
I have never been able to work that damnable child-safety lock thing! I know it says push down then turn but.... hmmm... maybe I'm turning then pushing down...
Either way, I fear I'm going to end up having to run around to other people's houses in the middle of the night asking them to open demazin bottles for me! Why me? Why me?
And another thing!
I have yet to taste a peach that tastes like 'peach flavoured' demazin!

Baaah humbug!

Well. That's that.

I feel much better now : )

1 comment:

Toastghost said...

i feel your pain, i have to open every bottle with a knife, a fork and a pair of scissors. *breaks into song* nobody knows the trouble ive seen, nobody knows the sorrow....*sob*