It's Tuesday and I should be doing my linguistics assignment...
I have driver’s tan. The backs of my hands are brown… how did this happen?
(If anybody says 'driving' I reserve the right to keel haul you, k? K.)
- C
Nobody suspects the butterfly.
I have driver’s tan. The backs of my hands are brown… how did this happen?
(If anybody says 'driving' I reserve the right to keel haul you, k? K.)
- C
posted by
3:27 pm
The sun caused it.
lol what u guys r saying is while cait was driving the sun caused a tan 2 appear on her hands..soz this random comment is a result of being stuck in a research skills class at n cait..yeh u prob should get that assignment done b4 exams..nah, u'll be fine..cyas elle*
guuuuhhmmmm.... well... i just only a little bit KINDA think that the driving in the sun thing caused the tan....
of course you could have been tanned, the less-cool non-ashton-kutcher-wearing-trucker-hat-
failure-of-a-tv-show version of punk'd..... but you know. maybe it's just me.
over and out and under etc
ps my verification is hsbsaid...
pps death be to crim
So that's... one keelhauling and one swift kick for being a smartarse. Re-sult!
But it couldn't be cruzin - I need a whistle-buddy for cruzin! I can't very well lean out the window and whistle at Irish *firemen* all by myself now can I?! Well, not without major crash issues atleast... although... maybe said crash would start a fire...
This is not a productive line of thought.
PS - HBS? Google tells me it is 'De hogereburgerschool (afgekort hbs) was een Nederlandse onderwijsvorm'
... Can worms say things?
PPS - If we, I don't know, murder crim say, do you think they could charge us with anything?
if we were to.... theoretically murder this uh, 'crim', i think there is absolutely nothing they could charge us with, by virtue of section 24, mistake of fact: 'but i mistook it for something useless and annoying and stupid! oh... no... hang on. i was right.'
Flea, damn you and your bronzed goddess-like body!
So if s23 doesn't work... I plead sane automatism! It is a natural reflex when faced with crim to lash out. Also I didn't know the knife was in my hand as I was really sleep-walking and was provoked into self defence and... and I plead the 5th!
Yay, I understood bits of that!
Dass ist nicht supercool... (Oh my grasp of 'cool' german slang has slipped considerably) But - Idea! Take a photograph, get it blown up to life-size and voila! Just wear it around - at the beach, to the shops... cut out eye-holes for driving though - I don't want to be responsible for any resulting accidents...
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