Sunday, March 11, 2007

Surface Happy - Bittersweet, Agonising Happy

Guess who's back!
Hi. How are you? What's been happening in your world? Moi moi etc, you know the drill.
In lieu of another, much longer post, I give you a piece of writing...

We meet. You take my eyes in yours. You take my mind - just like that. But right now, I don't care because your eyes burn into mine. You talk to me, eyes smiling. You say my name, eyes smiling. You walk away, eyes smiling.
You've stolen my heart, eyes smiling.

Til later all.

Stay young,

-C xo


Toastghost said...

She lives!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Woah, deep. Deep like a hole that is not only bottomless within one dimension, but actualy falls through multiple dimensions just to have enough space to be deep in. Thats pretty deep.

Anonymous said...

trust the first person to comment would live in the most boring part of aus...

Anonymous said...

It is considered bad form to write stories that convey the vague impression of love without mentioning either torts or cricket.

Anonymous said...

howdy howdy - nicely conveyed expression of lurve. but eyes aren't the only bit. the face is also very important.

Anonymous said...

I always have trouble reading things like that because I get too jealous of the sentiments to look at the writing objectively.

Still, I don't know that objectivism is such a worthy goal. Ayn Rand, are you listening?