Am having internet issues at the moment, but as soon as I'm off dial-up speeds, I'll post again! Seriously... I don't know how we survived such slowness...
I am poor in the essence of happiness, lady - rich only in never-ending unrest. In me there meet a combination of antithetical elements which are at eternal war with one another. Driven hither by objective influences, thither by subjective emotions, wafted one moment into blazing day by mocking hope - plunged the next into the Cimmerian darkness of tangible despair, I am but a living ganglion of irreconcilable antagonisms. I hope I make myself clear, lady? - Ralph, HMS Pinafore (Best. Operetta. Ever.)
Absolute genius. Hehehehe, newfound respect for Kirby.
I'm afraid I have to dissent on this issue.
You know what's great? Updates. You should do some.
Well, at least give us your views on the Torts exam. Was it CN with the kangaroo or not!?
Am having internet issues at the moment, but as soon as I'm off dial-up speeds, I'll post again!
Seriously... I don't know how we survived such slowness...
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