Wednesday, August 17, 2005

1+1= a window!

Hohum, I've got a Lit essay tomorrow and should rea-hea-lly be getting back to typing up my notes.
I know I complain about Lit a lot - but I guess its just because there's really no "right" answer. The theory also states that there is no "wrong" answer either, but I think we've proved that one to be untrue...
I mean, in maths I think we can safely say that 1+1 does indeed = 2
but in the English language 1+1 can = a whole range of things, eg: a window, 2, (3-1), a cage etc etc etc
So there I sit writing something that I believe is right but could indeed be wrong... to someone who is not me...
In light of this, I have devised a Lit-test that I would very much like to take (considering that I wrote it and thus know the answers), instead of writing essays:
The text being "The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum".
1. Who has "lost their honour?
2. Fill in the following gaps -
a) H_ch
b) Ka__ar__a
c) _oed___
d) Tr__e the R_d
3. Which of the following characters should have umlauts in there names?
Moeding, Totges, Blorna, Katharina, Hach, Straubleder, Luding, Beizmenne
4. Who said - "S out and B in" and who are S and B?

Answers at the bottom of the post...

Yeah - that would be cool. And instead of one hour, it would probably take a good 5 minutes, giving me ample time to do other things (like assignments/more study!)

Oh well,
Off to work I guess!
Bis spaeter! (Why not? Its a German book!)
Deine, C.

1. Katharina Blum
2. a) Hach b) Katharina c) Moeding d) Trude the Red
3. Toetges, Straeubleder, Lueding,
4. Lueding, Straeubleder, Blorna

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