Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Scary Limo

There is a limo parked two blocks down and one block across from me.

Limos don't usually scare me, but I think this is pushing it. You see, this Limo is parked outside the "massage" parlour (read:brothel) two blocks down and one block across from me.*Again, not such an irregular occurence... its just that it has been there for THREE DAYS! Why? Why? Why? Actually, don't answer that.

I'm hoping it will be gone by tomorrow - mainly because anybody who can afford a Limo regularly and is going for a "massage" at 4 in the afternoon cannot be a good influence.

Right - am feeling sufficiently grossed out... Think I will go watch one of the older (and subsequently very innocent) Dr Who episodes... gawd...

*Note: It is also directly across the road from a police station - s-u-s-p-i-c-i-o-u-s!

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