Friday, September 22, 2006

And we shall blank them in the ambulances - a quick rant

I haven’t had a rant for a while, but now feels pretty right.


Overgeneralising aside, why don't boys get interpreting subtlety?? I mean my god! It seriously isn’t that hard. It’s been part of human society for a good while now; you’d think they’d have picked it up.

Now, I don’t mean to sound bitter – oh what the heck, I’m obviously going to be screaming bitterness – but seriously guys. Pick it up. And use it.

A quick note on how to interpret subtlety –

  1. If ever a girl says anything to you ever, always look below the surface. Sometimes she means what she says but most of the time there’s a cake-full of layers sitting there hitting you around the head.
  2. If ever a girl does anything (or you notice a distinct lack of something) ever, well, see above.
  3. Now practice.

Please oh please don't make me do my crim assignment

... went to the movies on a Wednesday, went to the movies on a Thursday, went to the movies on a Friday...