Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hyperballad and Weird Words

Hello all -
Have just been listening to my new #1 most-depressing-song-of-all-time (Learn To Be Lonely having moved to second place). Its weird, I've been listening to this song for atleast 6 months and never before have I actually felt emotionally attached to it... I don't know why, but I find Big Heavy Stuff's cover of Hyperballad reeeaally depressing. I think I listen to the lyrics of songs too much - For example, I will be listening to a song - and it will have absolutely fantastic music - but I'll hear a lyric that I don't like and *bang* there goes my ability to enjoy that song EVER again!
So, lets have a look at the lyrics:

We live on a mountain
Right at the top
There's a beautiful view
From the top of the mountain
Every morning I walk towards the edge
And throw little things off
Car parts, bottles and cutlery
Or whatever I find lying around

It's become a habit
A way
To start the day

I go through all this
Before you wake up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you

It's early morning
No one is awake
I'm back at my cliff
Still throwing things off
I listen to the sounds they make
On their way down
I follow with my eyes 'til they crash
Imagine what my body would sound like
Slamming against those rocks

When it lands
Will my eyes
Be closed or open?

I go through all this
Before you wake up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you

Ok - having read the lyrics, I can see why it might depress me - but it was originally sung by Bjoerk!! How can anyone with the name Bjoerk depress me!?

Anywho - I strongly reccommend you go out there and find this song because if you ever want to feel sorry for yourself, this is the one!!!

Now, having thouroughly depressed myself, here I have a list of words I think should be used more often in society (NOTE: you may have to look these up, gawd knows I did!)
1. absquatulate
2. hornswoggle
3. skedaddle (or skeedaddle, depending on where you're from)
4. Smouch (If someone can explain to me how exactly one *can* counterfeit tea I will be most pleased)

5. Barmecide
6. Boondoggle (just cause it sounds cool)
7. Folderol (Am going to bring this one back!!)
and finally:
8. Zenzizenzizenzic

Woo - I have waaaaay too much time on my hands.

Scary Limo

There is a limo parked two blocks down and one block across from me.

Limos don't usually scare me, but I think this is pushing it. You see, this Limo is parked outside the "massage" parlour (read:brothel) two blocks down and one block across from me.*Again, not such an irregular occurence... its just that it has been there for THREE DAYS! Why? Why? Why? Actually, don't answer that.

I'm hoping it will be gone by tomorrow - mainly because anybody who can afford a Limo regularly and is going for a "massage" at 4 in the afternoon cannot be a good influence.

Right - am feeling sufficiently grossed out... Think I will go watch one of the older (and subsequently very innocent) Dr Who episodes... gawd...

*Note: It is also directly across the road from a police station - s-u-s-p-i-c-i-o-u-s!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Where Shall I Go?

I am soooo bored - are there any good internet sites out there that *aren't* blocked by this firewall!?

Thats not a rhetorical question...
Please, let me know!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Things I Need:

1. Icing Sugar (I have a half-made batch of icing sitting on the kitchen counter - fannntastic)
2. Brown Sugar - finished making cake yesterday with juuuust enough
3. 20-20 FOREsight
4. A gazebo. I don't know why, I just feel like I have a gazebo shaped hole in my life... Although I suppose a large tent would do
5. Another 4-day weekend (This really needs no explanation)
6. The ability to wake up every morning *not* feeling like someone has been poking me in the eye all night
7. A Pony (Why not? Why not?)
8. Confidence to stand up to tiny angry lit teachers
9. To be able to lie outside on the grass and watch the clouds without having to worry about schoolwork (only 3 months to go... only three months to go...)
10. Peppermint chocolate!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Ruddigore or The Witche's Curse

I love going to Operas - even just to watch the conductor.
Its so funny how much these guys get into it. They wave their little sticks about like crazy, making happy faces for light, happy music and mad scrunchy-up faces for loud dramatic music. And when its all over, they put their hands out to acknowledge the musicians. The musicians in the pit. The musicians WHO WE CAN'T SEE! I felt like yelling this out today (my mum also commented on this after the overture which is, in itself, scary), but I put up with it for fear of knowing people in the audience (which was a good thing, cause I did).
Neway, as I was saying, I've been to see Gilbert and Sullivan's Ruddigore (I'm a little obsessed with G&S, can you tell?), performed by a youth theatre company. Now, usually I see the words "Youth theatre" and run - but this is G&S and I hadn't seen Ruddigore on stage before, so decided to give it a shot. It was actually quite good - some of the girls had absolutely amazing voices (damn!), but have discovered that teenage boys just aren't meant for baritone - which is what most of the male roles required. But all in all, it was vg.
What's really scary though is when you notice that someone you know (or atleast I think I may have met once... or perhaps have simply heard enough gossip about to have formed an opinion of) is playing one of the leads. Fair enough.

Fuuuunny story - you know in movies when anyone is on stage something invariably catches on fire? Well, thats pretty much what happened today! One of the sparkler-cracker things (oh I don't know what they're called! But you press a button and they make a little explosion! Moving on) caught on fire! So, in the middle of an important scene one of the stagehands had to run on, unplug the offending flame and run off stage with it.
Fun all round!

Alright now, I’m off to do something more constructive – like watch Tv! Hmm… only sport… oooh – Iron Chef’s on at 830? I’m there!



Friday, August 19, 2005

My New Desktop

What do you think?
I hope it works!!
: p

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

My School is Breeding Feminists - a Rant of sorts

Ok – that was a bad choice of words. My school is not breeding feminists – that would be wrong and decidedly gross. My school is more… training feminists to be released into the water supply in a final bid to take over the world!!

Let me give you an example:
The majority of the feminising happens during my English-Lit class (although I’m sure, as others will testify, that it is also present to an extent in the English/Snr English classes). Firstly, let us get into the English-Lit frame of mind:

-Ahem- sexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexexsexsex…

Is your mind in the gutter yet? Good.
Now that you are in the correct frame of mind, let us continue on to the aspects which make up the ‘feminist-in-training’ class.

Firstly, questions.
When in an English-Lit class you will invariably be asked to comment on the ‘symbolism’ inherent in a section of the text.
For example:
“What does corn symbolise in THE GOOD CORN?”
There are two correct answers to this.
1. Sex – it is a phallic symbol or
2. It represents the repression of women at the hands of a strongly patriarchal society.
Both are considered correct, but the second uses a greater amount of “key words” and so will get more kudos.
If I can give you one piece of advise that will get you through a Lit lesson it would be to have on you, at all times, a tape recorder with your voice saying ‘sex’ and ‘the repression of women’ at random intervals. This will work to fend of any questions you may be asked…
“What is ravine symbolic of?”
“What caused Medea to murder Kreon?”
“the repression of women”
“What were the main factors that brought about the creation of Gilead?”
“sex…the repression of women”
“excellent work!”

Nextly (is that even a word!?), are the influences behind each of our chosen texts this year.
Text 1: Medea – a strong woman is repressed by her husband and the patriarchal society of Ancient Greece – we admire the woman who has to make great sacrifices (ie. Kill her children) and condemn the men-folk who invariably cause these dilemmas.
Text 2: A Handmaid’s Tale – This book embodies the Lit syllabus. If you haven’t read the book I can’t really describe it to you (nor do I want to delve back into this little gem) but believe you me its chock-a-block full of sex, the repression/oppression of women, slavery and the occasional “all men are bastards” spiel.
Text 3: The collected works of TS Eliot – “But what about TS Eliot?” I hear you cry, “He was just a poet!” Well that’s exactly what I thought until Lit showed me differently. Eliot was, in fact, a “woman-disliker” – thus filling the repression of women catergory quite nicely. Oh, and he also wrote about prostitutes… a bit.
Text 4: Ibsen’s Ghosts – Ok, this is getting repetitive. I’m just going to copy/paste/edit here.
A strong woman is repressed by her husband and the patriarchal society of 19th Century Norway – we admire the woman who has to make great sacrifices (ie. Play drinking games with her debaucherous husband) and condemn the men-folk who invariably cause these dilemmas.
Text 5: The Lost Honour of KAtharina Blum – who caused Katharina to lose her honour? Men! Who are represented as louts, schemers and stalkers? Men! Who are being repressed? Women!
Text 6: The Metaphysical Poets – okay, truth be told, we haven’t started the Metaphysicals yet, but I’m sure it will be full of repression. And sex.

Lit also teaches us a lot about stereotypes. "Stereotypes are bad. They catergorise people and do not allow for individualism". Stereotypes of men and women are especially loathsome, as they confine us to our roles in society – women as moody and motherly, men as devoid of emotion and butch. Or so I’m told.

there wouldn’t usually be a problem with the whole feminist thing in school – its quite fun to rile people up about the treatment of women in society and how stereotypes are basically everywhere, but I do have a problem with the way it sort of spills over into my everyday life.
For example – I will be watching Tv and suddenly notice that that women sitting over there is a stereotype! She is being subservient to men, the way is is dressed is stereotypical she is wearing (gasp) makeup! – and out comes the ‘lit monster’ – she is being repressed by men!! And that’s the end of my enjoying that particular show – damn analytical talents.
I’m even up for the emancipation of men!
A few weeks ago I was watching Big Brother (shut up!) and one of them suggested that he didn’t have a real, ‘emotional’ relationship with his friends. Upon interviewing one of the friends and him being asked the question – do you think this will actually happen? What followed was a lot of embarrassed noise making with a final verdict that, no, he didn’t want any sort of emotional relationship, heaven forbid with his friend!

Oh gawd – am turning into a feminist!!

Do you see what school is doing to this generation?! Our generation is going to become one where men don’t feel and all women think that we’re being repressed!

Who will be laughing then? Hmmm?

Only the hyenas, my friend, only the hyenas.

Ok. That last bit was a little melodramatic…

1+1= a window!

Hohum, I've got a Lit essay tomorrow and should rea-hea-lly be getting back to typing up my notes.
I know I complain about Lit a lot - but I guess its just because there's really no "right" answer. The theory also states that there is no "wrong" answer either, but I think we've proved that one to be untrue...
I mean, in maths I think we can safely say that 1+1 does indeed = 2
but in the English language 1+1 can = a whole range of things, eg: a window, 2, (3-1), a cage etc etc etc
So there I sit writing something that I believe is right but could indeed be wrong... to someone who is not me...
In light of this, I have devised a Lit-test that I would very much like to take (considering that I wrote it and thus know the answers), instead of writing essays:
The text being "The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum".
1. Who has "lost their honour?
2. Fill in the following gaps -
a) H_ch
b) Ka__ar__a
c) _oed___
d) Tr__e the R_d
3. Which of the following characters should have umlauts in there names?
Moeding, Totges, Blorna, Katharina, Hach, Straubleder, Luding, Beizmenne
4. Who said - "S out and B in" and who are S and B?

Answers at the bottom of the post...

Yeah - that would be cool. And instead of one hour, it would probably take a good 5 minutes, giving me ample time to do other things (like assignments/more study!)

Oh well,
Off to work I guess!
Bis spaeter! (Why not? Its a German book!)
Deine, C.

1. Katharina Blum
2. a) Hach b) Katharina c) Moeding d) Trude the Red
3. Toetges, Straeubleder, Lueding,
4. Lueding, Straeubleder, Blorna

Monday, August 15, 2005

I need to get myself a hobby

No. I really do. My life has become so unordinarily boring that I have been reduced to dreaming about milk.

This is not only disturbing, but a trifle sad as well...
If you have anything better to do (ie. knit teacosies) turn back now! Otherwise, here is a full transcript of my dream:

Last night as I was peacefully sleeping I suddenly discovered that I was in a supermarket with two unidentified people, we'll call them Jane and Janet for want of better characters. Now, we needed milk. So, as one does when one needs milk, we picked up a red shopping basket and wandered over to the milk fridge (Shock! Horror!). What followed was a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of each milk type. This was neither a heated discussion nor one of particular interest - we simply needed milk.

So, after some debate (Jane wanted the milk in a yellow carton - silly Jane), I managed to convince them to buy Brownes "Calcium Plus".
End of dream.

Woa! Exciting stuff, no?

Now, when I was talking to my friend about this (as one does when one is in German) she came up with quite a nice spin on my dream.
-Apparently, I am going to face many difficult choices in my life and, ultimately, will choose the one that is most familiar, costs the least money... and is the most calcium rich.

Hmmm... deep.


Sunday, August 14, 2005

Rebroff and Giftedness

Woa - you should hear this guy sing!
One minute he's singing the bassiest of bass notes then 'pow!' he sounds like a soprano! I'm talking more full-on than Pavorotti!
Ooooh - now he's singing 'If I were a rich man', in german!!!!

Man - I didn't realise how much of that song was just 'deebeedeebeefanafanafaan'!

Ivan Rebroff - the guy with the largest vocal range in the world.... it makes me feel like I should be doing something with my life...
Anyways - I've finally found a survey that identifies me as 'gifted' (unfortunately, it does differentiate between gifted and 'talented'... oh well, you can't have everything)

Do you have a passion for justice?
lynch justice? Maybeee...
Are you perfectionistic?
I believe the word is punctilious.
Are you highly sensitive?
Do you have gifted friends and relatives?
I like to think so
Do you have a great sense of humor?
Ok - A marine bioligist walks into a flower shop and discovers something new: a bonsai palm tree in a pot. As he admires the plant he says, "With fronds like these, who needs anemones?"
Ha - get it? Anemones!
Are you perceptive-seeing through the image to the reality?
Do x-ray glasses count?
Are you intuitive?
I can guess the next question if you'd like...
Has your honesty gotten you into trouble?

Ok - so i resent some of that...
But I've got to get back to typing out my lit notes (whee!)


PS - I promise to publish my feminist-lit-etc-rant later on (when I've gotten rid of all the embarrassing bits...)
See you on the flip side

-cannot believe have just said that-

Thursday, August 11, 2005


La lala lalalalalalalalalalalamalalalalala...
Hmmm - bored.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I know who I want to be reincarnated as!

I have been trawling the internet thismorning (no particular reason) and came across this little gem. Its a quote from the 2005 remake of "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" (1971) aptly named "Charlie and the Choclate Factory".

Veruca Salt: Daddy, I want to go in.
Mr Salt: It's only 9:59, sweetheart.
Veruca Salt: Then make time go faster.

"Then make time go faster." That's her. That's who I want to come back as.
Anyone who can demand that their father bend the very fabric of space and time, throw aaaalll the rules of quantum physics out the window and possibly destroy the universe itself is alright by me.

Plus she's obscenely rich.

Make it stop!

Argh! I have the Final Countdown stuck in my head and I only know one line of it! Oh the humanity!

(although slightly less worrying than if it was the Moonlight Sonata...)

Friday, August 05, 2005

That IS Ironic!

Okay - for want of a better way to spend my saturday morning I'm going to find a good, understandable definition for the word ironic. Here goes...

9.53- searched on google for the word ironic.
9.57 - finished sifting through adds for ebay, porn and smileys and found actual definitions.
9.58 - Found one (1) useless definition:

"'Ironic' is the title of a 1995 song written and performed by singer Alanis Morissette, which first appeared on her highly successful debut album Jagged Little Pill.'

9.59 - Another defintion surfaces:

"A mode of literature in which the characters exhibit a power of action inferior to the one assumed to be normal in the reader or audience, or in which the poet's attitude is one of detached objectivity."


10.10 - More definitions surface, all of which simply include the word ironic. Not. Helpful.

10.15 -

Hey, what about this one?

“An Irony is a nipping jest, or a speech that hath the honey of pleasantnesse in its mouth, and a sting of a rebuke in its taile.”
E. Reyner Rules Govt. Tongue, 1656

Mmm - ye olde ironee : p

Right. That's it. I'm going out to do something constructive.

Keep you eyes peeled for any lucid definitions and watch this space for updates!!

-PS - Arnie, you may want to check Jess' addition to the CGF site...
: )


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

20 to 8

It's official - 7:40 is wa-hey to early to be at school.

There's only so much one can do on a computer when all the game sites are blocked and its too early for anyone to send you emails - even the career ed teacher.


I'm going to wander around outside for a bit and listen to Gilbert and Sullivan, instead of doing homework : )
