Tuesday, October 11, 2005

If I remember correctly, this is the Physics department... That explains all the gravity.

I have a question for you.

Is it actually possible to write a pro-war novel?

You can write a anti-war novel really easily by portraying the horrors and terrible effects of war, but try and write a novel that portays the glory of war and you get congratulated for your wonderful work of satire! I feel sorry for all the poor authors out there who are renound for their satirical works, but in reality they just really like war!

Not that I'm for pro-war novels, it was just a thought is all.


Toastghost said...

im sure there are some out there. i mean, circulating throughout the blackmarket and the army, but speaking officially, of course there arent!

Cal Samson said...

nah there are heaps.

Probably none since vietnam but before that they were like every second book.

Now tho... i bet you i could write one.